Before I start adding to this page of the website, I wanted to give a brief introduction to what is coming soon to this section.
This section of will be primarily devoted to car reviews, all of which will have been personally test driven and comprehensively reviewed by myself. The aim of this is to build up a useful reference guide which will act as a compliment to the tailored advice I provide. The BIG difference with these reviews, when compared to others, is that they have been written with the complete novice in mind. My reviews will not deluge you with car jargon. Any technical information will be thoroughly explained and it is hoped that not only will you find such reviews enjoyable to read but informative too.
The other element of this section will comprise of my thoughts on any significant developments/trends within the motor industry. It will include explanatory articles on key technical areas that can apply when purchasing your next car, useful if you find yourself intimidated by the modern day world of car-buying.
I hope you find this News section a helpful jargon-free reference guide that perfectly complements my personal car-coaching advice. And as always, if you would like any further information on what is written here, please do contact me. I am always happy to assist with any questions you may have.
Thank you in advance for taking the time to read this section and for visiting
Best Regards,
Nick Johnson, Mr.CarCoach.